Corporate Waste Management: Steps to Going Zero Waste
Many companies are becoming more conscientious with their waste, with many opting to move towards cleaner, greener waste management policies. Here at LKM Recycling, we too make efforts to move towards zero waste, reducing our carbon footprint and recovering more resources.
We encourage and help other companies to do the same, offering a comprehensive recycling service, including UPVC window recycling, wood recycling, paper recycling and more. The goal of going zero waste is to minimise the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfills. Most companies try to lower landfill dumping to just 10%, with the goal of eventually reaching 0%.
If you have a company and want to move towards becoming zero waste, start with the following steps:
Sort and Measure your Waste
The first thing you need to do is to sort and measure the waste produced by your company. Teach your employees to segregate according to recyclables, biodegradables, toxic waste, e-waste, etc. Segregating makes it much easier to recycle your rubbish.
After segregating, make sure to measure the amount of waste you produce too. Not only will measuring your waste help you learn exactly how much rubbish your company produces, but will also help you determine what part of your operations produce the most waste.
For example, if you have too much paper trash, you can work on reducing paper use at your company to reduce the amount of waste you produce.
After segregating, make sure that you have a solid recycling strategy. LKM Recycling can help you in this department — we can recycle anything from paper to wood, to metals, and help you develop cost-effective strategies to prevent wastage.
Develop Waste Prevention Strategies
After you learn how to sort and recycle your waste, your company has to come up with a long-term waste prevention strategy. Encourage employees and clients to switch to reusable products. Upgrading wasteful equipment can also help minimise the amount of rubbish you produce.
If all corporations do their part and adopt a zero waste policy, we can greatly reduce our collective carbon footprint and protect the environment.
Want to know more about waste management and recycling? Contact LKM Recycling today.
Where to Find Us
LKM Recycling
Brooker House
Symmonds Drive
ME10 3SY
Get in Touch
Get in touch today to discuss any of your waste needs, we offer total waste mangement solutions for your business. Call today on 01795 439393
London & Kent Metals Ltd T/a LKM Recycling. Registered Company Number : 02272767. Registered Vat Number : 115 077 927